

BandAMP™ provides a friendly community of musicians who challenge each other in the desire to improve. Check out our Forums and of course the Hall of Fame… We’re glad you made it, enjoy!

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Still there

Unfortunately, the site was down or frozen for a few days. Even logging in failed with errors..

Fortunately, battlecat was nearby and helped me reestablish contact with the server operators. So I've now regained access to the Bandamp server and the source code in the background.

Unfortunately, the system that Bandamp runs on has expired, so new programming will only be possible and useful once the system is completely upgraded. This upgrade step may take some time. It depends on the availability of the system administrators.

It is also necessary to implement security measures and many other things.

I can't promise that I can implement everything that's on my to-do list. But I don't want to give up this site, of which I've been a member for almost 20 years now.

Unfortunately, many valuable and highly valued members have left us and are now on the sites of "paid" fellow campaigners. With a little goodwill and encouragement, we can work together to revive the old days.
I'm counting on all of you. Spread the word that Bandamp is far from obsolete.





BandAMP outage explained. Users can login again!

Hi everyone,

I wanted to post a message regarding the outage that has happened on BandAMP the past week.

The first outage was caused by Digital Ocean turning off access to our server because they received a DMCA notice against us. It turns out the DMCA notice was sent by an automated bot and the song in question actually wasn't copyrighted. After explaining this to DO, they restored the network outage.

The second outage where users were unable to login was a side effect of the first outage. The server was rebooted and the sessions directory didn't get recreated so users weren't able to login. I resolved this issue and the login form is working again.

So the site should be working again for everyone and please let me know what other issues come up!

by blueprint35 @ 4:05 PM




A Few Bug Fixes...

Hi Everyone!

As most of you may know there have been a few problems with BandAMP recently and I'd like to provide an update for everyone.

1. New Site Admins
I work closely with Mud and he's asked me to keep track and fix any issues that come up with BandAMP. I'll be checking the Tech Support forum regularly so please continue to post any issues you have with the site there and I'll take a look.

2. MP3 files not uploading.
I've resolved the issue with MP3 files not uploading. The server had run out of disk space so I attached a new storage volume to accommodate future uploads. We'll soon be moving to an elastic storage volume so that this problem won't happen again.

3. Chat is working again
I've corrected the issue with messages not displaying in the chat box so feel free to jump into the room and chat with your fellow BandAMP members.

4. Email notifications and settings are working again
There was a problem with emails being caught as spam as well as your notification settings not being saved. This issue has been resolved now so you should only receive emails to posts if you have your message options configured in your profile.

5. MP3s disappearing
I was made aware that some old MP3 files on threads are missing. I'm still investigating this issue and will be looking through the backups to see if they can be located. We currently have about 5,670 mp3 tracks that have been uploaded and I'm going to cross-check that with the forum database.

6. Private messages not sending has been fixed
There was a bug that would cause any private messages with special characters to be lost. This has been resolved.

We're going to be giving BandAMP more attention now and we want everyone to continue to enjoy using the site. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions!
by blueprint35 @ 9:38 PM




Bandamp "Glitch" Last Week...

As many of you are aware, Bandamp went offline a couple days last week, and since then none of us have been able to log on. Mud advises the server went bonkers and repairs took a little time. Now, it appears everything is back up and running. Thanks go out to Mud!!!
by battlecat @ 9:57 AM





As we wrap up 2013 and enter 2014, we all take pause to reflect on what's truly important. Bandamp is a rare international community of musicians and music enthusiasts. Here, we are able to experience relationships we might not otherwise. We are able to discover that, in a world that can seem so divided at times, we are able to find unity. Lasting friendships have (and will be) established here. To all Bandamp members (and anyone who might be a welcomed guest) Happy Holidays! Here's hoping this season finds you and yours peaceful, happy and healthy...and we look forward to seeing you in the coming New Year!!
by battlecat @ 8:55 AM

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